I started blogging at ZooStation last week. Here is Reuben Abraham's introduction.
Zoo Station awoke this morning from uneasy dreams to find itself transformed on its host into a fabulous team blog.
Folks, I have been threatening this for some time now -- to convert Zoo Station into a team blog in order to prevent lags in blogging when I am busy, to increase the diversity of content and so on. I had been talking to several people about the possibility of contributing to ZS on a regular basis and that process has resulted in this team blog. Joining me on Zoo Station today are...
Amit Chakrabarti -- Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth
Ashwin Mahalingam -- Ph.D. candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford
Anand Manikutty -- Senior member of technical staff at Oracle
Vinay Nair -- Assistant Professor of Finance at the Wharton School at UPenn
Abraham Thomas -- Director of G7 trading at Simplex USA, a hedge fund in Princeton
Jaideep V.G. -- Editor-in-chief for Rave, the premier Indian entertainment magazine